TI Management

TI Policy


Author Instruction

Authors are advised to follow the subsequent instructions

1. Preparation of Manuscript:
Authors have to submit their manuscripts in the TI Paper format. Submissions must include title, abstract, keywords, author’s and affiliation’s, email address’s. Please indicate the corresponding author. After preparation of the manuscript, submit it to online

Click here to view the Topics ( multidisciplinary – Not limited )

Click here to download the Copyrights Form and Paper Template

2. Acceptance Notification:
   Within 48 hours from the date of manuscript submission. Authors of accepted papers would be informed about the review results after completion of the review process. Authors submitting a revised manuscript need to outline separately the response to the reviewers comments including changes introduced to the manuscript. The authors have to submit a camera ready copy of the manuscript. The authors also need to submit the completed copyright form.

3. Payment of Publication fees:

After acceptance the authors have to pay the publication fees. Please refer to the Publication Fees

Indian authors Pay Online APC ( Article Processing Charges ) Click Here

Foreign authors Pay Online APC by Paypal Click Here

4. Publication of Manuscripts :
    Manuscripts are published within three days from the date of payment.

5. Hardcopy Dispatching :

    Last month hard copies will dispatch on forthcoming month first week .

6. Publication Certificates :
   Authors of published papers would be provided with e-certificates.E-Certificate will send to the authors. Authors has to take the hard copy of the certificate.