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IJET Call For Research Paper Engineering Journal

IJET – International Journal of Engineering and Techniques invites areas of scientific and Engineering and To view the list of topics covered in our Journal Click Here.

Call for Reseach Papers IJET low Publishing charges and high Impact factor and indexing Engineering Journal invited all areas of Science, Engineering and Technology , Previously Published Papers in Conferences, Scholarly Journal , Original Research Papers, Survey Papers, Case Studies and Academic or Scholarly Articles are cordially invited to submit papers for the upcoming Edition March- 2024

Click here to download the Copyrights Form and Paper Template

Accepted papers will be published online and indexed by Google Scholar, OAJI, Mendeley Etc.

IJET Call for Paper – Volume 10, Issue 1 , March- 2024
  Submission Last date  29 – March 2024
  Acceptanace Notification   Within 48 hours
   Publication Date  Within three working days from the date of registration
  Manuscript Submission

Submit your paper in the form of Mircrosoft word format(.doc or .docx) , if you are used latex then please send it as PDF format.

Submit your paper with signed Copyright Form (corresponding author sign enough, no need all) and should be sent while submitting the paper to us.

If the manuscript is not aceepted in our journal, then the Copyright Transfer Form submitted with us will become void.

The manuscripts which are submitted with copyrights form only will forward to review process.

Submiting the paper in multiple journals are offence, Don’t waste our valuable time

Refer the topics (Not limited) listed in the website. Please kindly submit your article in the form of TI template.